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I second this opinion. I have just completed a QS rankings survey and it was tentative at best. Aside from the fact there were issues in both the translations and the listing of academic institutions, it is also clear that basically you have to enter a list of HEI that you deem "worthy". There is confusion when it comes to Countries that are not in the listing (like micro states) and there is no real survey concerning the actual quality of such institutions (the actual questionnaire is quite brief). Additionally, the survey does a bad job logging you out quite often and not offering a nice user experience (e.g. inability to navigate back to the previous pages, paired with inability to delete your choices and change them). Finally, the survey is followed by other optional surveys on your student experience... well, we are academics, so they are basically inquiring about our PhD experience... but questions are "off" and suddenly you are prompted to answer things like: "Are you confident you will complete your current online course?" Wait, what? I have just answered I got my degree ten years ago... why is this question popping up.

With such a poorly designed survey, how could QS even claim they have reliable data?

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